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My Mental Health Journey by Robyn

As part of Mental Health Month, Yoga teacher and inpatient Robyn Short generously shares her Mental Health journey to raise awareness and advocacy against the social stigma often associated with mental illness.

Mental Health Month raises awareness and advocacy against the social stigma often associated with mental illness. The theme this year Tune In asks us all to tune in to our senses, our communities and to the stigma – how do attitudes and understandings of mental health and wellbeing impact people’s ability to live the lives they want?

We have the privilege of sharing with you the following very personal recount of a patient’s experience with her mental health.

We are grateful for this generously open and honest disclosure of the painful challenges she has met throughout her life, how they affected her and her family and how she has sought, gained and benefited from the help available to her.

*Trigger Warning: The aim of this story is to share patient experiences with honesty. Therefore, some of the content may trigger an adverse reaction. If you are triggered, please stop reading and talk to your support team, family member or doctor.
